Where Angels Prey

Where Angels Prey is a novel by Ramesh S Arunachalam. Please refer to www.whereangelsprey.com for more information

Saturday, June 13, 2015

A Realistic Financial Thriller Loosely Inspired by Real Life in India, June 10, 2015 by D. Donovan

This review is from: Where Angels Prey (Paperback)

The world is facing one of its greatest financial crises yet, but only in one country - India - is a boom happening in an unlikely industry: microfinancing. It's this fact which comes to the attention of Robert Bradlee, senior correspondent with The New York Post, who decides to personally investigate these strange facts; only to discover that what seems like a wonderfully successful altruistic business of providing financial services for small business in poor or rural communities in reality hides a deadly truth.

What Robert discovers isn't financial opportunity or social grace, but a program that holds devastating implications for India's poor.

The frightening part of this story doesn't lie in the fact that this novel is a realistic financial thriller with a global setting so much as that it's loosely inspired by real life in Andhra Pradesh, India, and holds alarming implications for business and social causes alike.

For this reason alone (in addition to the fact that the story is an edge-of-your-seat compelling read), Where Angels Prey is a recommended pick for thriller readers looking for something slight different: a realistic saga which will strike a little too close to home for many cognizant of Wall Street involvements in the lives of Third World residents.

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